Monday 20 February 2012

01 What's the Idea?

This is a site to talk about forests and afforestation in a forester, with contributions hopefully from everyone interested or involved in the effort.

It is intended to bring the voice of those at the front line, you may say bring those Whispers From The Forests, to the reader. They may be foresters, villagers, others...

It will, hopefully, be a place to build up case studies explaining how the forest departments and the local communities are going about their business...what they do, actually...from the point of view of the actual actors in the field, the front line staff and the villagers.

It will talk about the strategies tried, the successes and failures, the lessons learnt, in protecting and nurturing the green cover of the country. It will try to throw light on the contending arguments and ideas on how to achieve this goal, on why it is important, and what are the trade-offs we should be prepared for...

Any suggestions and contributions (in terms of ideas!) are welcome in greening this empty space, which will be done in bits and pieces over time...

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